
Q: What is the role of RESCOLL in the TEMPEST Project?

A: RESCOLL’s role in the TEMPEST project is threefold: first, we are the project coordinator, so we work to ensure the smooth and successful operation of the project. Second, RESCOLL is responsible for adapting its unique debondable on-command adhesive technology, INDAR INSIDE®, for application in batteries, in order to ensure efficient and clean end-of-life disassembly. Third, RESCOLL also brings its expertise in unique surface coating technologies – in the form of Joule effect heating paints; in the form of fire-retardant paints; and in the form of thermal projection (cold spray), which is used to armour battery housings against impact, to ensure highly efficient thermal conductivity to evacuate heat, and to help control thermal runaway within the battery itself.

Q: The EU Council today adopted a new regulation that strengthens sustainability rules for batteries. How does RESCOLL plan to contribute to and leverage these developments in the context of the project?

A: Excellent question, as the EU’s new regulations are definitely a step in the right direction, in supporting a more sustainable ecosystem for batteries and ensuring resource independence through the recycling of critical raw materials. RESCOLL’s debondable on-command adhesives are a contributor to this, as they enable lightweight, durable assembly whilst at the same time permitting facile end-of-life disassembly for parts separation and recovery. This, coupled with NIC’s technologies for recovering and recycling metals from the cells themselves, will ensure that the TEMPEST batteries are designed from the ground up to respond to these needs.

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