Sustainable Innovations is a Spanish consultancy firm that provides innovative services to a wide range of sectors across Europe: bio-based industry, energy, industry 5.0, circular economy and advanced materials, among others. The core competencies offered by Sustainable Innovations are structured in two main pillars which bridge the gap between the ideas and the market. On one hand, the R&D management area offers expertise in grant writing, project integration, and advisory services. On the other hand, we are involved in EU project execution, leading several tasks revolving around communication, exploitation, and project administration.
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is the leading organization for applied research in Europe. Its research activities are conducted by 76 institutes and research units at locations throughout Germany. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft employs a staff of more than 30,000, which works with an annual research budget of roughly 3 billion euros. Of this sum, 2.6 billion euros is generated through contract research. Around 70% of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s research revenue is derived from contracts with industry and from publicly financed research projects. International collaborations with excellent research partners and innovative companies around the world ensure direct access to regions of the greatest importance for present and future scientific progress and economic development.
Founded in 2000 and headquartered in Bordeaux, RESCOLL is a leading materials testing and R&D technological partner based in France. Its well-equipped laboratories, experts, and renowned capabilities support the development of the medical, aerospace, industry, and energy sectors. Its main areas of expertise cover: Adhesive Bonding & Adhesives, Smart Coatings, High Performance materials and Medical Devices. RESCOLL, now part of APPLUS+ Group, is highly recognised in France for its extensive and accredited testing portfolio and unique qualifications.
The main ambition of the RECREATE project is to develop a set of innovative technologies aimed at exploiting the circularity potential of End-of-Life (EoL) complex composite waste (mainly carbon fibre reinforced composites CFRC and glass fibre-reinforced composites GFRC) as a feedstock for profitable reuse of parts and materials in the manufacturing industry.
Tekniker es un centro tecnológico especializado en fabricación avanzada, ingeniería de superficies y materiales y tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para producción. Su misión es aportar crecimiento y bienestar a través de la I+D+i al conjunto de la sociedad, contribuyendo de manera sostenible a la competitividad del conjunto del tejido empresarial. Tekniker es miembro de la alianza Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA).
GIGAGREEN proposes a structured research plan to develop and scale up novel electrode and cell component manufacturing processes that follow a Design to Manufacture approach in line with Europe’s strategic goal of becoming a global leader in the Li-ion battery value chain. This means that GIGAGREEN seeks for the minimum environmental impact and energy consumption, cell designs which facilitate the re-use and disassembly, increase of the cost-efficiency and safety of processes and products, and high-throughput technologies able to be easily scaled up and automated in the context of industry 4.0/5.0 gigafactories.
The HySTrAm project will develop innovative solutions to produce ‘green ammonia’ from hydrogen at lower pressure, thereby making the process more efficient. These solutions will also aim to solve the energy challenges that Europe is facing today. In addition, this will strengthen the Europe’s technological leadership, and create economic growth and jobs across the full European value chain.
DEFACTO aims to develop a multiphysic and multiscale modelling tool to improve the understanding of cell material behaviour and cell manufacturing process and to reduce the time and economic resources for the market uptake of cell innovations, facilitating new high capacity and high voltage Li-ion cell generation 3b batteries.
CREAToR is an EU funded project, focused on process development and demonstration (to TRL 5) to remove hazardous, already banned bromine- containing flame-retardants from waste streams using continuous purification technologies: supercritical CO2 and cost-effective solvent-based processes using natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) in twin-screw extruders. CREAToR will cover the whole value chain, starting from collecting thermoplastic waste streams from building and construction (B&C) and from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
Sonication and Microwave Processing of Material Feedstock (SIMPLIFY) responds to the EU Horizon 2020 call SPIRE-02-2018 and is an innovation action in which leading European industries and university groups in process intensification, ultrasound, microwave, multiphase processes, polymerization and crystallization team up to address the domain of electrification of chemical industry. In four years, a consortium of 11 European organizations, led by KU Leuven, will focus on intensified processes, where alternative energy sources enable flexible continuous technologies to achieve localized ultrasound and microwave actuation of multiphase, flow reactors powered by electricity from renewable sources for the purpose of high-value product synthesis.
The “NDTonAIR” project (Training Network in Non-Destructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring of Aircraft structures) is funded under the action: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016- GRANT 722134. The “NDTonAIR” consortium involves Universities, Research Organisations and major European companies working on new Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) techniques for aerospace, of which both are key technologies. The goal is to train a new generation of scientists and engineers with a wide background of theoretical and experimental skills, capable of developing their research and entrepreneurial activities both in the academy and industry and playing an active role in promoting the importance of quality inspection and structural monitoring in aerospace components.
ADVISE – Advanced Inspection of Complex Structures is a collaborative research project awarded 4.17 million Euro funding from the European Commission’s EURATOM programme under the Horizon 2020 framework programme for Research and Innovation. The overall objective of the ADVISE project is to enhance – and in some cases to enable for the first time – the ultrasonic inspection of complex structures materials in order to improve confidence in and reliability of the inspection of Generation II and III reactors.
The GW4SHM project, funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-860104), aims at different aspects of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) using guided ultrasonic waves. The overall aim of GW4SHM is to turn SHM from a lab-based technology into real-world applications.
The aim of iModBatt is to design and manufacture, with the minimum environmental impact, a high energy density modular Battery Pack, which is flexible enough to be used in automotive and small stationary applications.
Having something radically more sustainable needs imagination and ALMA is creating the future of mobility through innovative, and sustainable hybrid material solutions. ALMA will decrease the environmental impacts of electric vehicles by reducing the weight of the structure, saving materials and energy thereby reducing CO2 emissions.
IAAPS offers a comprehensive suite of capabilities with a unique combination of highly respected academic research expertise and substantial engineering delivery experience, backed up by unrivalled state-of-the-art physical and virtual facilities. This enables us to offer our partners viable solutions to the technical challenges they are facing, within budget and in a timely manner. To provide the industry with technology-agnostic physical development, our extensive 11,300 m2 site based at the Bristol & Bath Science Park includes the necessary capability to carry out research and development of all current powertrain systems, including pure electric, hybrid electric, battery, ICE and hydrogen-based propulsion. This is in addition to extensive modelling and ‘digital twin’ capability. Recognising the complexity of future powertrains and their intrinsic link with other vehicle systems, each cell is specified to enable a wide range of system integration, both physical and digital.
The University of Bath is one of the leading research intensive universities in the United Kingdom. The University has extensive experience in managing European projects, both as partner and coordinator. Current projects for which Bath is Coordinator include Cooperation projects in Transport, Space, Environment, Energy Efficient Buildings, three Marie Curie Initial Training Networks, and most recently Horizon 2020 projects in Climate Action, Transport and NMP. BATH will lead WP5, which is focused on the design and development of an integrated bioremediation system for the removal of pollutants in soil by combining conventional technologies, such as phytoremediation, with bioelectrochemical systems. The BATH team provides multidisciplinary expertise that effectively integrates engineering with science, with expertise spanning fuel cell engineering through material science to advanced analytical chemistry. The team will develop an innovative plant microbial fuel cell, made of renewable, low cost and compostable materials, and assess the ability of the system to remove pollutants of interest, including hydrocarbons, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and heavy metals. The bioremediation effectiveness will be validated by advanced mass spectroscopy techniques, which, through a study on the metabolites produced, will also provide a fundamental understanding on the degradation mechanisms. Innovative cellulose-derived porous electrode materials will be developed to guarantee the sustainability of the technology.
Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania aims to meet the challenges of globalisation while sustaining the traditions and practices that define the University’s scholarly community since 1922. Through synergy of cutting-edge research in over 30 international science programmes, employability oriented and internationalised top quality education, strategic partnerships with Stanford (USA) and Aalto (Finland) universities and within prestigious international associations such as EUA, SEFI and CESAER, KTU generates collective knowledge that opens new opportunities. 16 Undergraduate, 28 Master’s and 19 PhD programmes thus are developed with wide range of partners in industry and business and are taught in English, international exchange and internship programmes, increasing proportion of international students facilitate gaining skills and links worldwide.
The National Institute of Chemistry of Slovenia (Kemijski Institut) has 384 employees (31. 12. 2022), of which around 331 carry out research work in 9 departments and two infrastructure centers; 163 of these have Doctor of Science degrees.
Our mission is to disrupt the market by using advanced technology to outperform unchallenged competitors. Albion Technologies are leading the energy storage industry in using innovative ways to improve the lifetime and efficiency of battery energy storage systems. Albion’s Smart BESS™ utilizes a world first Smart Battery™ that allows our BESS to deliver over 90% usable energy and monitoring of every individual part of the system to give a 35% longer lifetime than the competitors. This system is used as a capacitor to sit between the energy source and national grid to store and distribute the power when required and at the constant rate the grid requires.
The University of Patras was founded in the city of Patras in 1964 and started to operate in academic year 1966-1967. The University is situated in Patras, Agrinion and Messolonghi. The University of Patras is the third largest University in Greece in terms of students, faculty members, administrative personnel, number of departments and degrees awarded. The University of Patras includes 35 Departments covering a wide range of disciplines. It also hosts 161 laboratories and 17 fully equipped clinics.
ABEE is supporting the industries in the development of tailored made solutions from battery materials to recycling for automotive and stationary applications through the development of dedicated multiscale simulation tools and functions integrated in various platforms.